Web Push Sequence campaigns: Subscribe event

Subcribe event happens when website visitor clicks "allow" and gives his permission to receive Web Push Notifications. 

To create a sequence campaign based on this trigger:

1. Login in your e.maxtraffic.com account, then go to Automation > Sequence

2. Click "New Sequence"

3. Follow next steps below.

Creating new sequence campaign

1. Set campaign name 

By default it will be "New Sequence", but we recommend to set a campaign name that matches the idea behind it, for example - "Welcome campaign"

2. Choose trigger

Select "Trigger on Visitor Subscribe" - campaign will start when a visitor subscribes to Web Push

3. Send first message with a delay?

Here you can choose, if you want the first message be sent immediately or after a delay. Maybe you might want to send a "Thank you" message immediately after subscribing and other messages later.

4. Edit message 

Click on edit icon to create the message content - set Title, Description, add Big Image if needed, Buttons, Links, and so on until you feel that the message is ready! Note that you will be able to edit message content at any time - also after the campaign is launched.

5. Create more messages in sequence campaign

Click "copy" button after the last message to add a new message in your sequence campaign. To make things easier, the new message will be a 100% copy of your previous message - that is done with idea that maybe links, UTMs, buttons or images will be the same, and then you only need to create/edit those parts of the new message that are different from previous message.

Saving your sequence campaign

After you are finished with creating your campaign, click "Save", and note that 3 options will appear:

Save & Publish

If you choose to save and publish - this will activate your sequence campaign and it will become "Live". In short - visitors who subscribe to web push after this campaign is published, will start receiving the messages from your subscribe sequence campaign.

Important: after sequence campaign is published, you will NOT be able to change delays or add/delete messages in sequence campaign, but you will be able to change message content.

Save Draft

If you don't want to launch the sequence campaign yet, or it needs more changes - save it as draft. That way campaign will not be shown to anyone, and you can make any changes later as well - add or delete messages, change delays, change content, etc.


Click "Close" if you want to continue editing your campaign.

Edit your campaign

After you have created your campaign, you can later make changes by going to Automation > Sequence and clicking on Settings icon that is located on the right side of campaign table:

Then click "Edit":

By default messages will be opened in "Full view" mode, so you can see full preview of each message - that includes Title, Description, Big Image, Icon:

But you can also click on "Compact View" - that will switch to a version where messages are shown in a way that can give a better overview of all the campaign:

How to get started?

If you are new to sequence campaigns, we recommend to start with a Subscribe sequence campaign because of two reasons:

  1. It will be triggered by all your new subscribers after campaign is published
  2. You don't need to execute a custom JavaScript code like it is in a Custom sequence

The message content and length of sequence campaign is up to you - it can contain 5, 20 or 100 messages, but if the goal is to convert visitor to a client, we recommend to send messages with higher frequency in the beginning, and less frequent later.